Thursday, July 8, 2010


I have a blog award (here you can find out how it begun) I'd love to give to Princess Caro, who's such a sunshiny personality that her energy flows here all the way from Middle Europe! Thank you so much Caro! 

I require no confessions, but I do hope she has equally wonderful sources of joy and inspiration. And by all means, she can pass it on as well.


  1. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love you ihana <3 you're so great and now i understood what is actually blog award!!! i would like to thank to Eveliina my dear dear friend that i'm so happy to meet! i <3 youuuuuuu!!! kiitos kiitos kiitosssss!!!


Thank you for your kind words, suggestions, opinions... They make me really happy!

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Kiitos käynnistä, toivottavasti tapaamme uudelleen! Älä käytä kuviani ilman lupaa.
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