Despite the text on the stand ("vintage flea market", "happy village") there was nothing vintage for sale if you don't count a grilled sausage Hub had for lunch... But the day was Fabulous!
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Thank you for your kind words, suggestions, opinions... They make me really happy!
is written by a baglady closing her forties, who thinks that every piece in her weardrobe needs a purpose. It better carry a story and make me feel fab. Welcome to my world, feel free to comment!
Shop with Me at Nordstrom!
My Sunday try ons are back on Instagram each week and I’m working to share
them here each Monday as well! Last week I popped into a Nordstrom to see
Green Chile Beef Cabbage Bowl
Green Chile Beef Cabbage Bowl is a tasty dinner idea, and you can make the
slightly-spicy beef in the slow cooker or the Instant Pot! And family
members ...
A Touch of Red
Years ago I would have told you that my least favorite color to decorate
with was red. And up until recently, I was hard pressed to use it in
abundance in ...
Biret-Ingá, 21
“For my Pride look, the color palette was determined by the demisexual flag
and I wanted to corporate its colors to my outfit. Everything else besides
[image: MANI MONDAY]
The perfect Mani Monday nails, absolutely LOVED this nail art and as
always my nail tech did a fantastic job 😉
The post MANI MON...
Grandma Pat and Trixie
Here is my latest shoot for Advanced Pets featuring the always gorgeous
Grandma Pat and Trixie. By the way I just started selling prints and totes
on Soc...
Jasa Press Release Publikasi Media Online Nasional
Anda sedang membutuhkan jasa press release Indonesia, jasa rilis media
nasional, cara diliput media online, jasa publikasi media online indonesia,
media ...
Weekend Reading 2.28
Happy weekend! I'm going to be real with you – I'm a big ball of anxious,
stressed out energy right now. Very tired, equally frazzled, trying to
Filling this one up.
I took a walk in the woods today, and walks this time of the year -
although this winter is very much warmer than normally - always ma...
How to survive your first big festival
It’s hard to believe that I’ve been home from the sweaty, dusty fields of
Glastonbury for a few weeks now. The time since I’ve been home has had me
in a...
Hi to all my followers if you are still there... I know I am terrible at
updating the blog, Life has changed dramatically since my blogging days, I
Tu plan de acción
¡Hola! Os aseguro que a mà estas cosas me pasan sin buscarlas y ni
pensarlas. El otro dÃa, mientras escribÃa mi post de las 3 de la tarde en
instagram, se ...
Suit Up på Olufsvej
[image: mango suit, mango sæt, mango jakkesæt]Jeg elsker sæt! 👯 Jeg har
faktisk købt nogle nye suits fra Zara, men inden i får dem at se, er her en
af min...
How to Avoid a Photoshop Disaster
I’ve seen a lot of bad Photoshop work in my day. And while it’s good for a
laugh, it’s no fun if you’re the one whose work is being laughed at.
Whether you...
Road Trip To Big Sur
"If you don't know where you are going, the road will get you there." ~
Lewis Carroll
The post Road Trip To Big Sur appeared first on The Glamourai.
The Perfect Button Down Shirt
As I told you a couple of months ago since summer we are living in Luzern,
Switzerland. We have a beautiful flat (that I will show you at some point
when w...
The King's Shorts (film, that is)
Hi readers! I'm not dead. Today I'm here to tell you about a hypnotist,
hoaxer, magic lantern operator, and one of the earliest pioneers of film.
And, of c...
State Of Reality
If you follow me on social media you know that I have been M.I.A. from the
blog the last couple of weeks because I've been in M.I.A....M.I!! MIAMI -
Awas mabok internet, Bahaya!
Internet memang lah sudah mengonversikan jurusan dengan cara apa tak cuma
bersama wahid klik, kita bisa menentui jurusan permulaan depan netbook
atau comp...
Zaful - your one stop shop
One of the hottest trends occurring right now is the “exaggerated sleeve”.
Whether it be oversize, extra long, flared, etc., it’s all the new craze.
So w...
Take a look at our new AIRSTREAM!
She's such a beauty. We recently purchased a 1979 Airstream Excella. Our
future home and studio. Life on the road. It's going to be magical and
Primavera siempre ha sido en cierto modo sinónimo de vestidos. Y de
colores; primarios en esta ocasión.
Además triunfan las bombers, satinadas por cierto;...
Doris Petticoats
Doris Petticoats have been a longtime favorite of mine, this U.K. brand
makes a wide variety of colors, prints, and best of all, lengths to suit
mobile photography giveaway from black anchor!
I teamed up with Black Anchor to help finish up my Wildbride retreat tote
bags, and now I want to let you guys in on an awesome giveaway from Black
Keep Calm For Sample Sale Success!
Whoohoo! Tomorrow I get to shop the Net-A-Porter Staff Sale! Seriously
beyond excited to attend this event for the 3rd year running and just as
excited ...
on some changes and the future of the Fab Factor
Hey guys. You may have noticed a lack of presence here on the ol' blog
lately, and I'd like to address that. I'm not going to apologize for it (I
hate whe...
Chapter Three.
*Dress? 1980's does 1930's, thrifted Shoes? Vince Camuto 1960's floral
corsage? Vintage*
I'm not back.
It's just that the other day my ankles were shave...
Supporting Friends
I bought this amazing piece yesterday from my friend (and sometime teacher
Tammy Hennessy). I love it so much and can't wait to hang it!! (Her pieces
ooo la la
[image: ooo la la]
[image: ooo la la]
[image: ooo la la]
[image: ooo la la]
[image: ooo la la]
[image: ooo la la]
A few shots from a little jaunt around Fri...
Merry Christmas
[image: Image and video hosting by TinyPic]
[image: Image and video hosting by TinyPic]
[image: Image and video hosting by TinyPic]
[image: Image and video ...
A serene small space apartment in Sweden
Morning! I hope you had a wonderful weekend? We've been celebrating my
youngest daughter's birthday - cue pancakes with melon, raspberries and
chocolate fo...
Belle Ghoul at Small's
MC played trumpet with the dance rock/indie pop rumpus known as Belle Ghoul
last Friday, Sept. 11th, a band comprised of some of the most delightful
Sommaren och allt däremellan
Nu har det gått snart 3 månader sen operationen och nu börjar nog allt bli
verkligt för mig. Vad fasen det är jag har gjort och vad det egentligen har
New website address
I am now blogging at my new website:
All the same content is over there and everything is much easier to find!
On my way to The Row FW15 show, in this coat is by Awake, designed by the
lovely Natalia Aleverdian. While keeping me perfectly warm it also looks
damn cut...
How to Dress Like a Grown Up
[image: daily outfit photo blog]
I like to think there are two types of 'grown up style' - one is very chic
and minimal, all monochrome and faux fur and bu...
So, as discussed in my last DIY inspiration post I made a necklace inspired
by one of jewelry designer Venessa Arizaga's pieces. Her original necklace
is p...
Tas Yang Cocok Untuk Pergi ke Acara Resmi/Formal
Bagi wanita mungkin penampilan adalah yang paling penting dalam sebuah
acara. Salah satunya karena ingin tampil istimewa dan menjadi pusat
perhatian. Oleh ...
flutter sleeves
[image: flutter sleeves]
*Calvin Klein dress (similar in red here), Zara necklace*
... and, apparently a really hairy looking arm. Ha.
Best Tips to Get Sexy and Smooth Legs and Feet!
You must know how to take care of your skin of face, but maybe you have
neglected the fact that you also need to take good care of your legs and
feet to...
So Many Friends! {A Little Thank You Treasury}
When you’re feeling “blue”, you can count on friends to make you feel
“bright and cheery” all over again! Thanks for restoring my “sterling”
rating! Thanks...
toot your horn
why don't you...wear a horn?
i blame diana vreeland. that fingernail moon of ivory looped through the
tail of a flat, glittering gold chain is so impossib...
kOs Has Moved!
It is decided: as of August 1, 2013, all new posts will be posted only on
the new site, That is, the new
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger
Nunca dejes de luchar aunque pienses que ya no puedes más. Por supuesto que
habrá miles de obstáculos que nos nublaran la vista y nos harán creer que
sea of tranquility: dinner party
It is my belief that anything done well in this world is a balancing act.
It's like magic: someone, an individual or a team, are working very hard to
make ...
Söders höjder
Bara ett stenkast från Fotografiska finns massor av mysiga kullerstensgator
med välbevarade trähus från 1700-talet. Fjällgatan, Sista Styverns trappor,
Just a few words to apologize for the lack of posts last weeks.
I have too much work lately, too much hours in front of the computer and my
eyes are suffer...
Rest in Peace
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”
Dr. Seuss
For all those who have loved and lost in May 2013.
Oklahoma, USA
Woolwich, London,...
I will be back
[image: BlogBloggerKataBlog007_zps8cdd0d10 photo
*Thank You for all the mails you have sent me. I will be
These Boots
I basically only wear ankle boots now.
[image: Untitled]
Sam Edeleman (no longer available)
[image: Untitled]
Sam Edeleman (on sale!)
[image: Untitled]
First Ever Sale!
Noogal Creations is having a sale. That's right - for the first time ever!
Head over to my facebook page to check out my sale items! RSS Feed
Hi guys,
Thanks so much for the feedback. It’s been great seeing the response and
really hearing about how people use the site.
One thing we’ve been getti...
Starting again...
I've decided to make some differences to my blogging habits (read more here).
Therefore I'll stop updating this blog and start again. You are welcomed to
How objective and subyektiv
Subjective information is one person's opinion. In a newspaper, the
editorial section is the place for subjectivity. It can be based on fact,
but it is one... is ready to be unveiled!!
Hi friends!! Just wanted to get out into the blogosphere that I’m moving
this little operation (sewing machine is coming with…fear not!!) to my own
*Os sigo mostrando mi ruta por Galicia con estas cuantas fotos recorriendo
la bella geografÃa Gallega en compañÃa de Jacquelline y sus amigas.-----
Kiitos käynnistä, toivottavasti tapaamme uudelleen! Älä käytä kuviani ilman lupaa. Thank's for visiting, hope to see you again! Please, don't use my pictures without permition. ¡Gracias por su visita, espero que vuelva! No le puede usar mis fotos sin permiso.
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Thank you for your kind words, suggestions, opinions... They make me really happy!